Tuesday, March 25, 2008

At long last, an update for all our adoring fans(?)!

I don't have much to report, just felt like writing to curb some of this anxiety and excitement I'm beginning to feel. I'm (kind of) almost fully ready now...I have a sleeping bag, racks and my front panniers on the way. I'm equipped with several pairs of cheesy biking socks, padded spandex, one very brightly colored skort and one equally bright sports bra. I have a bike, a good tent and a sturdy helmet. We've run into some troubles with Dylan's apartment and are kind of in a worried haze about it, but I have no doubt that things will work themselves out as they always do. I had my last (scheduled) day of work on Sunday and now feel extremely free if not slightly worried. The weather is another concern...it just won't warm up. I want to be able to go on some long rides before we take off and it's looking more and more unlikely that that will be possible. I have so many people I want to see so often before I go but keep being too busy to do that.

But in the end, I think I really do worry too much. We'll be ok. We'll be great!

One of these days, I'll get Dylan (Klaus) to add something to this.